Work seasons
if more and..and,k seasons
If you’re interested in coming to stay and work with us, you might like to know what we do through the seasons.
– Not so much, well, we do a lot but we don’t need help in winter.
– As soon as the earth dries up I try to get into the forest to harvest trees for firewood. We drag them to a clearing, cut them to lengths with a chainsaw and borrow the neighbours splitter to so the wood has a chance to dry/cure all summer. I have taught many a willing soul to use a chainsaw – a handy skill for a wannabe homesteader.
– Mid May to beginning of June we’re planting the garden. We also grow kale, tomatoes, peppers and some herbs in the greenhouse.
– We tend to the needs of our horses. We also need to check the fences and do some repairs.
– We get guesthouse visitors (paying guests) over winter but in spring the pace picks up a bit. We also start getting learning-tour groups – not a lot but we need to keep the place looking good, and clean up after folks leave. We need to trim the walking trails as well.
– We usually have construction or building repair projects that we begin in spring if we get the chance.
– We tend to the garden – weeding mostly.
– We tend to kick back a bit more – swim when it’s warm enough, attend various festivals and family gatherings and plan any major or minor construction projects we want to complete in summer/fall.
– We harvest berries and put up jams and some frozen packages for winter.
– There are construction and repair projects to be attended to.
– Here the tasks become more wwoofer led in that we’re not as driven by the Greenhouse and Garden-planting agendas. Sometimes wwoofers choose to take on the garden as their project and others prefer to get involved in construction work and others love to simply float from job to project to job. I tend to offer lots of opportunities for creative, innovative involvement. We’ve been so blessed by experiments and expressions initiated by people who have arrived and settled in good spirit.
– Lots of harvesting, drying, preserving, freezing and good eating – the best time of the year!
– Usually constructing and repairing something on the yard.
– Planting Garlic and putting compost on the garden – preparing it for the winter.
– Sieving sand and compost to prepare soil mix ingredients for next spring’s greenhouse season.
– Collecting and stacking firewood for the winter and cutting more firewood if needed for the following winter. We use chainsaws and an old farm truck.
I’m sure there’s more, but you get the drift. If you want to know what the specific projects are for this year, feel free to ask. We prefer longer rather than shorter stays, but are flexible. Our diet is also flexible. We buy various meats from local farmers but are also comfortable with vegetarian and vegan – especially if you’re keen to help out in the kitchen. Actually, we prefer that wwoofers get involved in food preparation and domestic duties along with us – but again, we’re flexible.
Blessings and Enjoy.