About this place
About this place
Why it is as it is
Our family has a special interest in hosting people interested in sustainable living and economic fairness. We lived in Africa for 8 years and have travelled extensively. The world is straining under the demands we as North Americans put on its resources – which affects all of our lives and the natural communities we depend on. Comfort is a relative experience. If you are yearning for a simpler comfort, our offerings are more likely to intrigue and satisfy than if you’re looking for something more luxurious. The Pond House is much more rustic than the Straw Guesthouse. If you’re curious about the benefits of going out into the night – seeing the phase of the moon, appreciating our 2,000 star ‘rating’, hearing the coyotes howl, and stopping to listen as owls hoot back and forth – you can of course do it from either the Straw Guesthouse or the Pond House. The Pond House, though, may force you outside to perform certain functions – thereby offering a more nature based comfort. We strive to provide a safe, clean environment that encourages you to interact with your surroundings.
The well water on this property is hard (packed with minerals). It’s safe to drink but some people find the taste unpleasant so we provide rain water (fine mesh filtered). If you prefer bottled water for drinking, we encourage you to bring it with you.
Wood Heat
We heat our guest homes with wood harvested from this property. If you anticipate having any difficulty starting or keeping the fire going with the firewood supplied please let us know and we can help. Guests are expected to split the larger pieces of wood and kindling unless prior arrangements are made. If you let us know the approximate time of your arrival, we’ll make sure the house is warm when you get here.
Appliances and Technology
The Straw Guesthouse is equipped with a fridge, stove, toaster, electric kettle and French press for coffee – and has hot running water, flush toilets, shower and bath. The Pond House has a wood stove, basin for washing, one-light solar power and an outhouse with toilet paper. There is no TV, Radio, Computer in either house and cell service is spotty. If you do not get cell service you’re welcome to use the booster at our house.
Wifi has now been installed at the Straw Bale Guesthouse to better facilitate your communication and work needs.
We appreciate your efforts at recycling. You’re welcome to take your waste and recycling home with you.
We try to keep the prices low enough so that persons of modest income can stay. To ease our labour and our costs we encourage you to clean up as best you can before you leave.
We appreciate your spoken or written suggestions. Thanks.