This is fun. Three videos. We’re stepping back in time a bit today as it took most of the summer to imagine, design and build these stairs – from the vehicle parking level down to the front entry of the house.

In this first video Sven is skiing down the eventual stair space with a full wheelbarrow of sand. Jonah and I got good at this as well.

At the end Sven says “That might be a chapter all on its own”, referring to the mythical book he speaks of writing at the end of this adventure.

In this next video the stairs that John built are complete and Maggie is cutting the ribbon and taking the triumphant descent. This project was totally between the two of them – and it feels as grand as a palace staircase.

Lastly, we celebrate the skill of a dedicated skid steer operator. John has moved a lot of rocks around here – as you saw along the stairs and can see here between the house and the workshop. I particularly enjoyed witnessing the finesse used to get this last stone in place. Bravo John. Thank-you.

We enjoyed the fact that we could get most of the rocks we used from the edges of my parent’s old farm – where my sisters and I grew up. I spent eternities cultivating and harrowing and picking stones on the fields beside these rocks. Thanks Mom and Dad – and to parents everywhere.

We’re busy with inside stairs and counter tops. We’ll finish the floors, install the counters, treat the earthen walls with a glue mixture – and then start moving in!